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파괴의 바람

by 파란앗싸 2022. 1. 24.






Winds of Destruction - S.S. - 444 Prophecy News

Winds of destruction 19 April 2020 S.S. Lord says ” Listen unto Me, I AM the Most High that says to this. As it happened in the days of Noah so shall it happen now. Winds of destruction shall be sent forth throughout the world sending forth destruction a




파괴의 바람


에스에스-19 APRIL 2020


주님이 말씀하셨다


 "나에게 귀를 기울여라 가장 높은 (YHUH)יהוה 내가 이것을 말한다


노아 시대에 일어났던 것처럼 지금도 그렇게 일어날 것이다


파괴의 바람은 파괴와 황폐함을 전 세계를 향해 보내야 한다








오! 너희들 이 지구의 주민들이여 아멘."







Winds of destruction


19 APRIL 2020 - S.S.


Lord says ” Listen unto Me, I AM the Most High that says to this. As it happened 

in the days of Noah so shall it happen now. Winds of destruction shall be sent 

forth throughout the world sending forth destruction and devastation. 

Repent! Repent! Repent! Oh! You inhabitants of the Earth. Amen.”






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